

12 Companies Who Want To Significantly Cut Their IT Support Costs and Eliminate The Frustration Of Computer Network Problems


Announcing a NEW Network Support Program Designed For Those That Don’t Want To Worry About Their Network’s Security, Reliability, or Stability Ever Again!



From The Desk of:       Charles White

President and CEO



Dear Colleague,


    Are you sick and tired of worrying about the security of your network against the latest spyware, virus, or hacker threat?


    Would you like to have peace of mind knowing that your network is always being watched and secured with the most up-to-date security patches, virus definitions, and firewall settings?


    Are you and your staff too busy to perform the regular maintenance and support your network needs to function properly?


If so, this letter was written specifically for you.


    I am looking for only 12 more clients who want to be part of a new network support program we are calling NetWatch.  This program is designed to give you all of the network support, security, and maintenance you need without the expense and overhead of a large, full-time IT staff. The 12 clients selected will get a significant discount on the service, among other incentives.


Why Our Clients Have Been Begging Us To Deliver This New Service …


    With the constant changes to technology and daily development of new threats, even a small, 5-user network requires ongoing maintenance from a highly-trained technician. But obviously the costs of hiring a large, full-time IT staff are not always feasible, even for companies with 20 to 75 workstations. 


    Up until now, you only had two options for computer support:


    Option #1: This option is the most common; you designate the most technically-savvy person on your IT staff to be your make-shift trouble shooter and only bring in outside help when your “internal guru” runs into a network crisis they can’t solve.

    Problem is, you are pulling this person away from the real job you hired them to do AND unless they have the time to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in IT support and management, they don’t have the skills or knowledge required to properly support and secure your network.


    This inevitably results in a network that is ill-maintained and unstable, which then results in excessive down-time, overspending on IT support, and expensive recovery costs.


    Option #2: This is really foolish but we see it every day; businesses that use their network until it “breaks” and then call in the experts to repair or replace whatever stopped working.


    This reactive model of network maintenance is a surefire path to extensive down-time, lost data, and excessive spending on IT support, not to mention major disruptions in staff productivity, sales, cash flow, production, and customer service that can never be recovered.


   Just take a look at these recent disasters that happened to other entities right here in Central Florida who were NOT performing ongoing maintenance on their computer network (all names have been withheld to protect the companies’ privacy)…


Local Central Florida Government Agency Has 154 User Network

Rendered Inoperable By Virus


  A Central Florida Municipal Government discovered the importance of proper IT budgeting and preventive maintenance when a virus rendered there entire city network inoperable. The entire city network was completely shut down for several weeks. This affected City Hall, the Utilities, Police and Fire Departments. These disasters could have been completely avoided with proper preparation, monitoring and preventative maintenance.


  These two issues cost the City over sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) to remove the virus and restore their network to a productive state. Since we remediated the problem and secured the network they are experiencing 99.99% uptime on their network. There have been several viruses that have attempted to penetrate their network but they have been caught and quarantined by the monitoring/alert notification components put in place before they could affect the network in any way.


Property Management Company Suffers Weeks Of Down-Time For What

Should Have Been A Simple, Inexpensive Repair; Hard Costs To Company: $9,000


A 10-user property management company was not monitoring or maintaining their server. Due to the overuse and lack of maintenance, it started to degenerate and eventually shut down under the load.


This caused their entire network to be down for 2 full days and cost them $3,000 in support fees to get them back up and running. Naturally the costs were much higher when you factor in the lost productivity of their 10 employees during that time.


This client did not want to implement a preventative maintenance program, so the same problem happened again 2 months later, costing them another $3,000 and 2 days of down-time.

 Six months later it happened yet another time, bringing their total to $9,000 in hard costs and tens of thousands in productivity costs for a problem that could have been quickly detected and prevented from happening.


Auto Body Shop Spends $20,000 To Clean Up A Virus


A local auto body shop with multiple locations discovered the importance of preventative maintenance the hard way. Without warning, a virus was downloaded to their server and started replicating and attaching itself to files.


This virus corrupted their data, impaired their customer management system, and immediately brought down their Exchange server (no e-mail could come in or go out). Preventing this disaster would have only cost them 1/25th of the cost AND they would have experienced better performance and fewer problems with their network.


Instead, they were forced to spend a whopping $20,000 to remove the virus and restore their network, and that only got them back up and running. That figure did not include getting their systems optimized, secured, and updated as they should be.


Two Failed Hard Drives Costs Health Products Company $40,000 and

9 Days of Downtime


The back office of a health products company had two hard drives fail at the same time causing them to lose a large number of critical company files and data. When they contacted us to recover the data from the system backups, we found they weren’t functioning properly and even though they appeared to be backing up all of this company’s data, they were in fact worthless. In the end, recovering the data off of these failed drives took a team of disaster recovery specialists 9 days and $15,000


In addition to the recovery costs, they also incurred $25,000 in other services to get their network stable. Had we been monitoring their network and performing regular maintenance, we would have been able to detect that these hard drives were failing, that the backups were not performing properly, and we could have prevented the crash, the downtime, and the $40,000 in costs to get them back up and running, not to mention the 9 days their network was down.


How To Make Certain These Disasters Don’t Happen To Your Business


    Thanks to a new service we are offering called NetWatch, we can now provide you ongoing remote maintenance and support to maximize the performance, reliability, and stability of your network without the costs and overhead of hiring more staff.


And here is the best part……we will cut your IT spending 30% to 50% AND improve your network’s reliability and performance at the same time!


Here’s How It Works:


    One of our senior network engineers will perform regular, scheduled maintenance on your network each and every month. We will make sure your virus protection is up to date and your back ups are working properly. We’ll also check critical firewall and security settings, and we’ll update software patches. We will even conduct a series of system optimization tasks every month that will keep your network running at maximum speed and performance.


    We will also remotely monitor your network 24/7/365 to detect, diagnose, and prevent lurking problems from turning into major interruptions to your business in the form of downtime, security breaches, or other failures.


    Finally, we’ll design the right mix of on-site, remote, network, and help desk support to fit your specific situation and needs.


The Benefits Are Obvious:


·        You’ll eliminate expensive repairs and recovery costs. Our network monitoring and maintenance will save you money by preventing expensive network disasters from ever happening in the first place. As a matter of fact, we guarantee it.


·        You’ll safeguard your data. The data on the hard disk is always more important than the hardware that houses it. If you rely on your computer systems for daily operations, it's time to get serious about protecting your critical, irreplaceable electronic.


·        You’ll finally put a stop to annoying spam, pop-ups, and spyware taking over your computer and your network. Not only are these intruders annoying, but they can introduce viruses and jeopardize the security of your network.


·        How does faster performance, fewer error messages, and practically zero down-time sound to you? Under this program, that is exactly what we’ll deliver.  Some parts of your system will degrade in performance over time, causing them to slow down, hang up, and crash. Our preventative maintenance and network monitoring will make sure your computers stay in tip-top shape for maximum speed, performance, and reliability.


·        You will have ALL of the benefits of a much larger in-house IT department WITHOUT all of the costs. As a NetWatch customer, you’ll have access to a knowledgeable support staff that can be reached immediately should you have any kind of problem or question.


·        You’ll receive substantial discounts on IT services that you are already buying. Most IT firms will nickel and dime you over every little thing they do; under this program, you’ll pay one flat, affordable rate and get all of the technical support you need. No hidden charges, caveats, or disclaimers.


·        You’ll have much better control of your IT expenses.  You can budget for network support almost like rent or insurance.


·        You’ll avoid expensive trip fees while receiving faster support. Our remote monitoring software will enable us to access and repair most network problems right from our offices. No more waiting around for an engineer to show up!

·        You’ll sleep easier knowing the “gremlins at the gate” are being watched. Cyber criminals never sleep! But thanks to our 24/7/365 monitoring and on-going maintenance, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.

·        You’ll gain incredible peace of mind. You already have enough to worry about. We’ll make sure everything pertaining to your network security and reliability is handled so you don’t have to worry about it.


But Don’t Take Our Word For It…

Just Look At What Our Clients Are Saying


“Thank you for the outstanding service we have received from NetWatch.  When you arrived at our facility we were in dire need of technological support and your team allowed us to continue “business as usual” with your stellar service and knowledge.  If it had not been for your team, our business would have been at a stand still. I can never thank you enough.”

  -   Pam Fuentes, Family Psychiatric Services



“I can’t tell you how happy I am with the services your group has provided.  I was blown away the day of installation when your guys just wouldn’t leave until everything was perfect.  Then, a few days later, Charles stopped by to check it over again.  Your whole group left me feeling that it was “our” network, not “my” network.  I also appreciate the broad level of expertise that your company offers.  Whether it’s hardware, software, communications, or network issues, you handle it all and do it all very well.”

   -  Lee Harary, C.P.A.



“Over the ten years that we have done business with you, you have always responded in a very timely fashion to whatever we’ve needed. You’ve seen us through many challenges and changes in technology.  Plus, since we are a non-profit, we very much appreciate the manner in which you always consider and plan with us for our budget concerns.  We would recommend NetWatch to anyone without reservation!”

-         Judy Soondar, Second Harvest Food Bank 



 Our 100% “You Can’t Lose” Guarantee…


    We are so confident in our NetWatch service that we are willing to back it up with a powerful guarantee that no other IT firm or consultant would dare to make: We guarantee that we will be able to detect, diagnose, and PREVENT any type of network problem from escalating into down-time. 


    If by some odd chance your network goes down, if you get a virus, a hacker invasion, or any other problem that requires clean up and fixing, we will do all of the work necessary to restore your network back to full speed with no additional service fees to you.


    As you saw from the above real-life examples, one simple “glitch” can end up costing you $20,000 to $40,000. Our NetWatch service is an insurance policy against major network disasters and repair bills.


    Plus, you and I know that there are plenty of IT firms out there offering some type of network support; but an awful lot of them are new or just getting started in the business. Some will even outsource their clients’ projects to part-time technicians that are between jobs or outsource to companies overseas. Even if they dared to offer a guarantee as strong as ours, you wouldn’t really know whether you could count on them to be around to honor their guarantee if something did go wrong.


    We’ve been servicing clients in Central Florida for over 10 years. That’s why we are so certain we can make the promises we are making and back them up with this rock-solid guarantee.


FREE 27-Point Problem Prevention Audit Gets You Started:

    To introduce you to our new NetWatch service, we’d like to offer you a FREE 27-Point Problem Prevention Audit.


    This service is normally sold for $495 but if you are one of the first 12 people to respond to this letter, you can have it for FREE; but you have to HURRY.

    At no charge, we will send a senior technician to your office and conduct a thorough assessment of your network. Upon completion, we will be able to:


ü      Pinpoint any exposure or risk to potential lapses in security, data backup, power outages, and system down-time.


ü      Outline a powerful and comprehensive line of defense against even the most evasive and deadly computer viruses, hackers, and spam for your specific network.


ü      Recommend ways to speed up your entire computer network while cutting costs on your Internet Service bill, e-mail, and possibly even your phone bill!


ü      Create Initial Network Documentation (that’s basically a blueprint or index of your entire network). This document allows any technician to know exactly how your network is configured at a glance, saving you precious consulting time trying to figure out what’s under the hood. Most firms charge $300 to $400 for this service alone, but we’ll do it for FREE.


    We will also provide you with a detailed written report in plain English that outlines where you are at high risk for viruses, down-time, or other problems, and how we can eliminate those risks with  NetWatch.


Other Companies Have Paid Over $495 for This Same Audit

But It’s Yours Free Just for Saying “Maybe”


    After the audit, we will quote you a fixed monthly rate for maintaining and monitoring your network to ensure zero problems, zero down-time, and zero disasters. If you decide that it’s not going to work for you or if you don’t want to sign up for any reason, just say, “This isn’t what I had in mind” and we can simply provide you network support and services on an “as needed” basis.


No Pressure - No Expectations - No Cost


    To schedule your FREE 27-Point Problem Prevention Audit and to get more information about NetWatch, simply give us a call or send in the enclosed fax-back form. Either way I will contact you immediately to schedule your audit and answer any questions you have about this exciting new service.


Good Networking,


Charles White

Charles White

President and CEO



Fair Warning!


    Please note that this offer for a FREE 27-Point Problem Prevention Audit won’t be around forever. While we would love to be able to give these away to everyone, staff and time limitations simply won’t allow it.


    That’s why we can only give away 12 of these audits on a first come, first served basis (sorry, no exceptions). There is no obligation for you to do or buy anything when you sign up, so do it now while you’re thinking about it!


“Yes! I Want To Find Out How I Can Cut My IT Costs By 30% To 50% And Guarantee That I’ll Never Have To Pay For Expensive Computer Problems Again!”


q Please reserve one of the twelve FREE 27-Point Problem Prevention Audits in my name so I can understand how your NetWatch service will help my company. I understand that I am under no obligation to do or to buy anything by requesting this free audit. At no charge, you will send a senior technician to my office to:


  • Diagnose any ongoing problems or concerns we have with our network.


  • Make sure our data is being backed up properly and make sure our files can be recovered without damage or corruption in case of an emergency.


  • Review our network configuration and printers to make sure we are getting the maximum performance and speed from these machines.


  • Look for hidden viruses, spyware, and loopholes in our network security that could allow hackers and other cyber criminals to access our confidential information.


  • Review our server file logs to look for looming problems or conflicts that can cause unexpected down-time.

  • Answer any questions we have or provide a second opinion on a network upgrade or other project we have in mind.



Please Complete And Email or Fax Back:







































To Secure Your FREE Audit,

Fax This Form To: 407-774-0654
or Call:
407-774-0653 ex 1025

or E-Mail:  sales@netwatchus.com

The NetWatch Benefits Are Obvious

 You’ll avoid expensive repairs and recovery costs. Our network monitoring and maintenance will save you money by preventing expensive network disasters from ever happening in the first place. As a matter of fact, we guarantee it.

You’ll experience faster performance, fewer glitches, and practically zero downtime. Some parts of your system will degrade in performance over time, causing them to slow down, hang up, and crash. Our preventative maintenance and network monitoring will detect these problems early and prevent them from escalating into more expensive repairs and downtime.

You’ll feel as though you have an in-house IT department--without the costs. As a NetWatch customer, you’ll have access to a knowledgeable support staff that can be reached immediately should you have any kind of problem or question.

You’ll receive substantial discounts on IT services that you are already buying.
Most IT firms will nickel and dime you over every little thing they do. Under this program, you’ll pay one flat, affordable rate and get all of the technical support you need. No hidden charges, caveats, or disclaimers.

You’ll eliminate trip fees and receive faster response to your problems. Thanks to our remote monitoring and maintenance software, we will have the ability to remotely access and repair most network problems right from our offices. If we cannot fix it remotely, we will dispatch a technician to your office the same day.

You’ll be able to budget for network support just like rent or insurance. Wouldn’t it be nice to avoid unexpected costs for fixing or restoring your network? Now you can.

 You’ll sleep easier knowing the “gremlins at the gate” are being watched. Cyber criminals never sleep! But thanks to our 24/7/365 monitoring and on-going maintenance, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.

You’ll safeguard your data. The data on the hard disk is always more important than the hardware that houses it. If you rely on your computer systems for daily operations, it’s time to get serious about protecting your critical, irreplaceable electronic information.

You’ll stop annoying spam, pop-ups, and spyware from taking over your computer and your network. Not only are these intruders annoying, but they can introduce viruses and jeopardize the security of your network.

You’ll gain incredible peace of mind. As a business owner, or manager you already have enough to worry about. We’ll make sure everything pertaining to your network security and reliability is handled so you don’t have to worry about it.

This program is ideal for businesses who:


  • Need to have their computer network, e-mail, database, and Internet access up and running 24/7/365 without problems.

  • Value the security of their data, and want to do everything possible to prevent loss, corruption, or theft.

  • Want to maximize the speed, availability, and performance of their network.

  • Hate dealing with--or thinking about--computer problems and other complexities of operating a computer network.

  • Don’t have the time or staff to deal with computer network maintenance.

Q: If I sign up for NetWatch, what is my commitment?

 A: We request that clients sign up for a 12-month commitment to allow us to allocate the  appropriate resources to your account. However, for first-time contracts, we will allow an initial 6-month commitment to allow you to test the waters and see if this program works for you. You may also cancel this agreement at any time, without penalty, as long as you give us 30-days’ written notice.

Q: Are new hardware and software installation costs covered under this agreement?

 A: Yes, if you sign up for the Platinum Service. However, if you are a Silver or Gold Service Client, you will receive a discount on our rates for installing and configuring new hardware and software. 

Note: The costs for the purchase of the hardware and software are NOT included. However, if you sign up for the Platinum Service, we will act on your behalf to research, recommend, and assist with your purchase of new hardware and software at no additional cost. 

Q: Will you guarantee that I won’t have any technical problems or downtime?

 A: No, we cannot guarantee that you will never have any technical problems or downtime; no one can. If by some odd chance your network goes down, if you get a virus, a hacker invasion, or any other problem that requires clean up and fixing, we will do all of the work necessary to restore your network back to full speed with no additional. We will also guarantee you will see a significant drop in the number of problems you experience and a dramatic improvement in the speed, performance, and reliability of your system. Plus, if you are a Platinum Client, we will resolve any computer network problems without billing you additional fees

See What Our Customers Have To Say

 “Thank you for the outstanding service we have received from NewTrend.  When you arrived at our facility we were in dire need of technical support and your team allowed us to continue “business as usual” with your stellar service and knowledge.  If it had not been for your team, our business would have been at a stand still. I can never thank you enough.”

Pam Fuentes, Family Psychiatric Services




“I can’t tell you how happy I am with the services NewTrend has provided!  I was blown away when your guys just wouldn’t leave until everything was perfect.  Then, a few days later, Charles stopped by to check it over again.  Your whole group left me feeling that it was “our” network, not “my” network.  I also appreciate the broad level of expertise that your company offers.  Whether it’s hardware, software, communications, or network issues, you handle it all and do it all very well.”

Lee Harary, C.P.A.




“Over the ten years that we have done business with you, you have always responded in a very timely fashion to whatever we’ve needed. You’ve seen us through many challenges and changes in technology.  Plus, since we are a non-profit, we very much appreciate the manner in which you always consider and plan with us for our budget concerns.  We would recommend NewTrend to anyone without reservation!”

Judy Soondar, Second Harvest Food Bank 

Copyright © 2003 NewTrend Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.